When you are dating, it can be hard to know whether you really like a guy.
Do you really like him, or do you just like the idea of dating him?
Do you actually like a guy, or do you just like the attention you get when dating him?
A guy may check all the boxes (good job, financially stable, attractive, and nice), but your gut may be telling you something else. You just aren’t sure if you like him or not.
Are you on the fence about dating a guy?
Continue reading for 7 signs that you really like a guy and 7 signs that you aren’t into a guy. If you don’t really like a guy it’s time to move on.
Topics covered include:
- Signs you like a guy
- Signs you just like the idea of someone
- How to be sure of your feelings for a guy
- Signs you should stop dating a guy (and breakup)
Questions answered include:
- Do I really like him?
- Can you like someone but not want to date them?
- Do I like him or the idea of him?
- Do I like him or am I just lonely?
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Do You Like Him? At Home Quiz to Find Out
Telltale Signs You Really Like a Guy
1. You are Excited to See Him
If you are exciting about seeing a guy, then you like him!
When you really like someone, you look forward to seeing them. For example, if you have a date at 7:30pm, you will wake up with an extra pep in your step.
2. You Go Out of Your Way to See Him
When you like someone, you shift your schedule to accommodate them. For example, you may change your evening gym class to the morning. Or you may drive an extra 20 minutes out of your way to see a guy.
Dating Tip for Women: Guys can ALWAYS make time to see you. Even busy guys will find ways to call you and see you in person if they like you. They will skip their gym class, pass on guy’s night, or wake up early to bring you coffee if they like you. If a guy is giving you excuses on why he can’t see you, then he’s just not into you.
3. When You Get a Text, You Hope It’s from Him
When you get a phone alert and you hope it’s from him (versus your friend or your family), you like a guy.
4. You Imagine What Your Future Would Be Like with Him
This is a horrible habit that women do; we get ahead of ourselves! But we simply can’t help it.
If you are a woman and you like a guy, you will start imagining what the future would look like if you married him.
5. You Can’t Help But Smile When You See Him
If you smile when you see the guy and can’t wait to give him a big hug (or a kiss!), then you like him.
6. You Admire Him From Across the Room
Admiration is key to a successful marriage. It’s like chemistry – but slightly different, and more important.
When you see him across the room (for example – at a party), and you think, “Damn. I’m so lucky to have him. He’s so XX (fill in the adjective – smart, funny, handsome, kind),” then you like him.
7. You Talk to Your Friends About Him
If you talk about him frequently to your friends, then you are into him.
Signs You Don’t Really Like a Guy
If you find yourself agreeing to ANY of the following, then you aren’t into a guy. If this is the case, you may just be dating him because you are lonely or bored. Or you simply want a guy’s company and aren’t really into him.
If this is the case, make plans to go out with your female friends. You aren’t into a guy if you agree with any of the following.
1. You Aren’t Jealous When He Hints at Dating Other Girls
If he mentions hanging out with another girl (who you haven’t met – who could be a prospective romantic interest) and you don’t care, then you aren’t into him. You aren’t jealous because you really aren’t into him.
2. You Get Annoyed by Him
Did he just end you 5 texts in a row? Are you annoyed and thinking, “Gosh – stop bothering me!”
This is a sign you don’t really like the guy.
Are you disgusted and annoyed by his poor taste in clothing, versus thinking it’s “cute”? Then you don’t like the guy.
3. You Are Convincing Yourself Why He’s a Great Guy
He may be a great guy, so you find yourself justifying why you should continue to date him. You are convincing yourself that he’s a good fit for you.
For example, you are telling yourself (and your friends), “He has a good job. He’s financially stable. He’s nice. He loves his mom.”
Yes, he may check all of the boxes, but if you need to justify your decision to date him – you just aren’t into him.
4. You Don’t Care if He Cancels Plans on You
When you like a guy, you REALLY want to see him and spend time with him. You get disappointed if he can’t see you one night, or has to cancel plans.
When you aren’t really into a guy, you don’t care so much if he cancels on you – or goes a week or two without seeing you.
5. You Don’t Want to Hold Hands or Kiss Him
If you don’t feel an urge to hold his hand in public or kiss him, then you aren’t into him.
6. You Prefer Spending Time with Your Friends vs. Him
If you’d rather spend your Friday or Saturday night going out with your friends than with him, then you just aren’t into him.
7. You Think About Other Guys When You Are With Him
If you think about other guys when you are with him (including your ex!), then you aren’t into him.
Burned Out from Dating? Need Motivation to Continue Dating?
Are you burned out from dating? It happens to all of us!
Check out this article from Dating Snippets on how to avoid burnout from dating and how to make dating fun again!
Christina Marie from Dating Snippets also offers dating coaching services to men and women.
Contact her on Facebook or Instagram, or shoot her an email. Your first session is complimentary.
Good luck dating!
Christina Marie from Dating Snippets (offering dating advice to men and women and a dating coach located in Atlanta, GA)