Most men prefer to date younger and most women prefer to date older. If you are a divorced man in your 40s, this puts you in a very opportune position. Want to date the hot, single 30 year old woman on your tennis team? You are in luck. It’s possible. I even know a couple where the man is 60+ and the woman is in her mid-30s. They are super happy.
So what’s the trick? If you are a divorced man in your 40s, follow these 10 bits of dating advice. Trust me: You can easily and successfully date a woman 10 years younger than you.
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10 Ways to Charm a Younger Woman as a Divorced Man in Your 40s
1. Be Fit to Attract a Younger Woman
I didn’t title this article, “attract an overweight, sloppy woman in her 30s.” I said a “hot” woman in her 30s. This means that she works out and is conscious about what she eats. If you want to date a fit woman, you need to be hitting the gym yourself. Go running, lift weights, see a personal trainer. Do what you need to do to be in shape. Lucky for you, many men in their 30s stop working out, so you can beat out the younger guys.
2. Make Her Feel Sexy
Every woman wants to feel sexy. This is where being older is an advantage for you. Most women feel sexier in the presence of an older man. A woman doesn’t want to be a guy’s mother, and she may feel like that while dating a younger man. To make a woman feel special, compliment her looks, flirt with her in person and via text, and keep your eyes and attention on her and her only when the two of you go out.
3. Plan Creative Dates to Delight a Younger Woman When Dating
Most young men will take a woman out for dinner or drinks. For the first, second, and third date. It gets boring! Plan creative dates and show a woman new experiences. You’ll wow her. Take her skeet shooting. Plan a hike outside the city. Plan a weekend getaway trip. Challenge her to a racquetball game. You’ll bond with her while doing something she’s never done, and that will release the happy, feel good oxytocin hormone.
4. Support Her at Work If You Are an Older Man Dating a Younger Woman
If you have 10+ years on a woman, it also means you have 10+ years of work experience. When she talks about work, support her in her goals and aspirations. Listen to her empathetically when she talks about her tough day. Ask her to elaborate. If she asks for your guidance, help her! I have three older guy friends who I turn to for career advice frequently. Leverage your experience to help her climb the corporate ladder.
5. Go Out with Her and Her Friends
If she goes out dancing with her girlfriends, you need to go out and join her and her friends. I don’t care if you hate dancing. Drink caffeine, take a Disco nap, and go out. If you seem like a party pooper, she’ll move on to someone with more energy. Or, she’ll marry you, and divorce you 10 years later because you stopped going out. (I’ve seen it happen.)
Similarly, if she invites you to a festival with her and her friends, you need to go. I have a guy friend who is 60+ year olds old, and we all go out with a group where the age ranges from 23 to 45. Don’t let age get in your mind. Go out!
6. Help Her around the House If You Are Handy and In Your 40s
Insider’s secret: Most young guys know zip about home repairs.
If you know how to replace a ceiling fan, fish a dishwasher, clean out dryer vents, turn up her water temperature, or fix her garbage disposal – do it! Even just buying her new air filters for her HVAC unit will go a long way. Women find it so dreamy and manly when a guy can help make her home better. Our homes are very sacred to us. If you help us improve our living space, we will love you forever.
7. Be Honest About Marriage If You Are Dating a Woman 10 Years Younger
If you want to get married, say it! Women like to hear it. If you don’t want to get married, say it! Some of my divorced, female friends in their mid-30s have no intention of being married again, but would love to date an older guy. Whatever you want, be honest. If a woman wants to get married and you don’t – you need to think carefully. Would you be willing to change your mind if you loved her? Plus, you can also sign a prenup. Don’t lead her on if you don’t want to get married.
8. And…Be Honest About Kids If You Are Dating a Woman in Her 30s
When dating a younger woman, you need to think long and hard about what you want and don’t want. She may want kids. Don’t break her heart if you are absolutely positive there is no way in hell you’d want to have more kids. Ultimately, it comes down to what is more important to you. Do you value the woman or the life of no kids more? If you pass on one younger woman that wants kids, can you find another woman in her 30s that doesn’t want kids? Probably. Just be honest.
9. Be On Top of It When Dating After Divorce
To snatch a younger woman, you need to differentiate yourself from the “young” guys. You can do this by being on top of it. Make the dinner reservations. Plan the dates ahead of time. Call her to say you are on your way to pick her up. Arrive on time. Don’t flake out on plans.
10. Leverage What You Have When Dating In Your 40s
As an older man, you bring many unique benefits to the table. You are likely settled in your career, have had your fair share of good and bad life experiences, and are confident in who you are. Leverage your strengths.
Conclusion – Rock What You Have As a Divorced Man to Snag a Hot, Younger Woman
In conclusion, you can definitely (and easily!) snag a hot, younger woman as a divorced man in your 40s. The key is to make a woman feel special, to show her you care, and to elevate her life and happiness by showing her new experiences and a fun time.
You’ll likely have better luck meeting a woman in person (online dating can be shallow). But if you do go on the dating apps, check out these dating profile tips to make your profile stand out.
Happy Dating!
Christina Marie from Dating Snippets