If you are looking for a date during social distancing in Atlanta, I strongly advise you stop your search. Put your dating life on hold for a month and wait for things settle down with Coronavirus. Enjoy your time off from dating and pursue a new hobby.
But what if you are already shacked up with someone during COVID-19? In this case, you are already exposed to them. You don’t have to be stuck at home watching Netflix for date night. Below are 5 social distancing date ideas in Atlanta during Coronavirus.
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5 Social Distancing Date Night Ideas in Atlanta during Coronavirus
1. Play Tennis in Atlanta for an Active, Competitive Date
Most, if not all, public tennis courts are open. Arrive early to grab a court (they are busy!) and hit a few tennis balls back and forth with your date. Wash your hands before you leave the house and bring hand sanitizer with you.
2. Enjoy the View at Piedmont Park for a Romantic Date During Coronavirus
Have cheese, grapes, crackers, and nuts delivered to your house via Instacart, and take your date on a picnic to Piedmont Park. Bring a blanket and a speaker for music to create a romantic vibe. Worried about running out of things to talk about? Bring a crossword puzzle, cards, or a board game for two people.
3. Get Active on the Silver Comet Trail with Your Date
Take your date for a long bike ride along the Silver Comet Trail. According to the White House coronavirus guidelines, outdoor exercise is allowed.
4. Practice Social Distancing and Go on a Dating Hike Within Atlanta’s Perimeter
Or, find a good hiking place. Sweetwater Creek State Park is close and I love the East Palisades Trail. If you are up for climbing a really steep hill, check out Stone Mountain.
5. Take a Long Walk With Your Date (Not on the Atlanta Beltline!) to Avoid Coronavirus
Take your date on a long walk in the neighborhood. Explore a part of town that you’ve never been to and check out the houses and scenery. I’d recommend avoiding the Beltline. It’s way too busy to stay at a safe distance of 6 feet.
Hang In There During Coronavirus – Things Will Get Better
I hope everyone is hanging in there alright. I know it’s personally really hard for me to have social activities put on pause, and dating too.
Sending good health your way to everyone in Atlanta.
Christina Marie from Dating Snippets (offering dating advice for men and dating tips for women)